Little things

Sometimes just little things make you happy. Isn’t it? It’s just that sometimes by just stop expecting and doing things you want to do makes you happy. You feel like being at peace after a long time. Life doesn’t have to be perfect always, it’s not always what you want it to be like but what makes difference is when you start finding happiness in those little things which you ignore in those sad days makes life a bit easy and a bit cheerful. Nothing is perpetual in this world if it would have been boring just like a 9 to 5 job. But you know what even that 9 to 5 job can be looming if you just change the perspective with which you see it and find new things to add to make it a bit interesting. No one needs to be perfect, nor anyone is , it’s just us who makes it boring or interesting. It’s our mind which makes the same thing look beautiful if you just teach your mind to let it be and make it happen what you want. This might sound a bit philosophical but it is true . Aren’t the days same, the routine same but still there are some days when we feel happy and sometimes sad and the only difference between those days will be the way you started that day? or how your mood was at the waking time? or what was the thought that came to your mind when you first woke up ?or how well you slept? or at how much peace you were at before sleeping the previous night? It’s nothing just our mind that creates the illusion of that this was wrong or that was right. Everything that happens is right, maybe now it seems wrong to you but there is some sort of positivity there in that thing which is necessary for us. Just try a little harder when you are upset. Just try to make you mind normal when it is sad. Just try to wake up with a happy mind and some positive thoughts. Just have patience and make things happen that you want in bits. Just don’t run,  be where ever you are and enjoy the moment because you never know what’s going to happen next.It’s just these little things that will make difference in our life because no one is perfect, it’s us who have to make it the way we want to, it might take time but it will happen one day.

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Lost right now but will find my way soon.

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